Friday, 2 September 2011

Development Blog - New Look

Apart from itself, we are also working on branded versions of our system for various department stores that offer their own gift cards. The intention is that a custoemr will be able to buy a gift card for someone, and at the same time purchase one of our greetings cards to send that gift card in.

As such, the bulk of the branded system revolves around our established card system, including selection, edit, preview and our basket. In principle, the only thing that will be different between different versions fo the branded site will be the site branding (obviously), the gift cards/gift vouchers available, a small difference in a few lines of code, and some images.

At the moment I am working on a branded version of the site in preparation for a pitch to New Look. Some of the code comes from a Debenhams branded site we created some time ago, however I am currently working on updating that code t factor in changes and developments to our system that have occurred over the last month or so.

I've spent all of today and a large portion of yesterday working on ensuring the code used on the debenhams site, and the code we use for the main HelloTurtle site correctly integrate. Unfortiunately, as was to be expected I have come across a number of glitches so far, and caused a few others fixing the initial glitches.
At the moment the main glitch that needs fixing is the card preview functionality, since at the moment it refuses to display the compiled preview of the card.

It also turns out that IE does not like the particular template I am using for this blog, as until I manually increased the width of the central pane it forced the banner image to overlap into right hand background pane. It is somewhat annoying that IE does not have better support for a lot of functionality which most other browsers take as necessary, but in the mean time all that can be done is fix the errors as they crop up.

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