As promised, I've now uploaded all the 'Stree Cred' range for teenagers. I also re-uploaded all the Tired Ted cards with their original text too! As Alex said earlier, I made 2 new buttons for Halloween and Diwali which are not far over the horizon now and changed the Birthday Idea page buttons so they didn't all meld into one.
More uploads of cards to be getting on with tomorrow and next week will be Christmas card uploading time! 300+ cards for you to choose from to send to your friends, family and clients using Mailmerge which has been created by Alex.
Enjoy the weekend! is the perfect place to buy and personalise greeting cards, High Quality Champagne, Wines & Spirits as well as many other gifts. You can also buy Baratti & Milano Italian Chocolates and beautiful Flower Bouquets to send to your loved ones for NEXT DAY DELIVERY! We have 1000s of exclusive designs and styles with a card for every gender and age, you won't need to go anywhere else! With just a few clicks all the hard work is done for you!
Friday, 9 September 2011
Jade - More Updates!
Christmas Cards,
Street Cred,
Tired Ted
Alex @ Helloturtle - last friday of summer
So its another sunny Friday afternoon here in Radcliffe and according to the weatherman - the last "summer day". The perfect day, therefore, to get on with a slight revamp of helloturtle!!
Where better to start than some new buttons on the front page? The exam results season is over - So we are preparing for Diwali and Halloween - Something for Hindus, Jains, Sikhs(all diwali) and Pagans(Halloween - Although Halloween is also commonly related to All Saints Day which is more Christian so they could be classed also). Well thats everybodies learning for today sorted!
I have also added links to this blog and our Youtube page - These can be spotted from the main page!
The birthday ideas page has had a little revamp too, with 9 matching new buttons that should be easier to read! (A big thank you to Jade for those)
And as if you didnt think that was enough work for a friday!? I went ahead and started some more SEO work AND added some more functionality to mailmerge! Have a good weekend - More updates on Monday!
I have also added links to this blog and our Youtube page - These can be spotted from the main page!
The birthday ideas page has had a little revamp too, with 9 matching new buttons that should be easier to read! (A big thank you to Jade for those)
And as if you didnt think that was enough work for a friday!? I went ahead and started some more SEO work AND added some more functionality to mailmerge! Have a good weekend - More updates on Monday!
updates and changes
Development Blog - B&Q Branded Site
So once again we reach the end of the week and today I have gone back to working on the branded sites. I have spent most of the day working with one of the other developers here at HelloTurtle to ensure that the code I wrote for the New Look site would integrate correctly with the template and skin that he had already been working on for B&Q, so that we could finish working on the B&Q demo by mid-afternoon.
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Alex @ HelloTurtle
Continued trouble with that login system!!
Think I have cracked it for real this time though. Done some testing and it threw nothing unexpected - so that should be live very soon. So what changed? I hear you all ask.. Well you can log in from any part of the card system without it throwing you into "my account" or printing garbage to the screen and you can login straight after logging out!
I have also been working on the Payment History page - I had it working yesterday - but it was hurt my eyes to look at... so I have been busy with the CSS and its looking good - a bit of testing and that could be live soon also!
Other than that - in the process of adding in links (waiting on graphics) to YouTube and this Blog. - And i fixed a couple of pesky spelling mistakes. I think there should be some sort of prize for spotting them - I know there are a few still lurking in the pages.
Think I have cracked it for real this time though. Done some testing and it threw nothing unexpected - so that should be live very soon. So what changed? I hear you all ask.. Well you can log in from any part of the card system without it throwing you into "my account" or printing garbage to the screen and you can login straight after logging out!
I have also been working on the Payment History page - I had it working yesterday - but it was hurt my eyes to look at... so I have been busy with the CSS and its looking good - a bit of testing and that could be live soon also!
Other than that - in the process of adding in links (waiting on graphics) to YouTube and this Blog. - And i fixed a couple of pesky spelling mistakes. I think there should be some sort of prize for spotting them - I know there are a few still lurking in the pages.
Hello Turtle,
updates and changes
Development Blog - Update
So today I've taking time out from working on the branded sites, and have started looking in in to expanding the functionality of our payment systems, in order to be prepared for future developments of HelloTurtle, and for proper implementation of any branded sites we were to work on.
New Cards
Hi there!
My name's Jade and I'm one of the designers here at
Over the past couple of days I've been creating a brand new range of Street Graffiti cards aimed at the teenage aundience. Also, I've been collecting images to create a range of exclusive Christmas cards both of which will be available to view shortly! is being updated daily, we now have 1000s of designs, many of which are exclusive to our site and we will soon be offering High Quality, exclusive gifts which you can send with your cards, which include Baratti & Milano Italian Choclates, Fine Wines, Demilly de Baere Champagne which is only available from our local supplier.
The guys in IT which shortly have finished our mobile app which will work on any phone and you'll also be able to order ALL of our cards not just a small section.
Also in the pipeline, we are developing a way to send payments to another PayPal account, which will be ideal for loved ones away from home ie gap years and family at University.
My name's Jade and I'm one of the designers here at
Over the past couple of days I've been creating a brand new range of Street Graffiti cards aimed at the teenage aundience. Also, I've been collecting images to create a range of exclusive Christmas cards both of which will be available to view shortly! is being updated daily, we now have 1000s of designs, many of which are exclusive to our site and we will soon be offering High Quality, exclusive gifts which you can send with your cards, which include Baratti & Milano Italian Choclates, Fine Wines, Demilly de Baere Champagne which is only available from our local supplier.
The guys in IT which shortly have finished our mobile app which will work on any phone and you'll also be able to order ALL of our cards not just a small section.
Also in the pipeline, we are developing a way to send payments to another PayPal account, which will be ideal for loved ones away from home ie gap years and family at University.
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Alex @ HelloTurtle midweek fun
Wednesday afternoon - more than half way through the working week!
So - As promised - I sat down and had a good look at the login system.
The system was a bit of a mess - a long time ago it was in drop down menus at the top of the page. - The code was mostly recycled in moving to the new fancybox system and this had caused the troubles!
For starters, functions were defined multiple times in different files - this is no good! so all functions are now defined only once and from a sensible location.
Secondly, the more noticable bug came from the card builder - The login system used to try to navigate to a page that didnt really exist... this has been rectified - the code now checks what sort of page it is trying to load - and then either directs to a new page - or progresses the central pane as expected.
A third bug that was picked up - if you logged out - you were unable to log back in from the homepage... this was a very simple fix - replacing 1 existing line of code - with 2 lines of new code.
So the login function is now much improved (although hopefully no one had a problem previously!).
So - As promised - I sat down and had a good look at the login system.
The system was a bit of a mess - a long time ago it was in drop down menus at the top of the page. - The code was mostly recycled in moving to the new fancybox system and this had caused the troubles!
For starters, functions were defined multiple times in different files - this is no good! so all functions are now defined only once and from a sensible location.
Secondly, the more noticable bug came from the card builder - The login system used to try to navigate to a page that didnt really exist... this has been rectified - the code now checks what sort of page it is trying to load - and then either directs to a new page - or progresses the central pane as expected.
A third bug that was picked up - if you logged out - you were unable to log back in from the homepage... this was a very simple fix - replacing 1 existing line of code - with 2 lines of new code.
So the login function is now much improved (although hopefully no one had a problem previously!).
Development Blog - Branded Sites
Today I have been working on completing the last sections of code update for the basket to include the value of the gift cards/gift vouchers in the order total. the first section of code that required changing was the pre-basket preparation code that is run after the customer selects a method of postage and where to send the card.
B and Q,
Branded Sites,
Development Blog,
Hello Turtle,
New Look
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Alex @ HelloTurtle
So its Tuesday afternoon - and again we are all dreaming ahead to the England match this evening.
Well before that happens - we have usual business of greetings cards and coding to be getting on with!
Today I took a short break from Mailmerge and looked at a few other bits of coding that needed doing.
Firstly, fixing the practically non-existent "payment history" page, I added funtions to this that show prepay balance - as well as a breakdown of prepay spending! (It also asks you to join Prepay if you have never used it - a great idea for all customers - gaining 25% extra credit on anything above £10 added). Updates currently limited to our development site - but check for them going live in the next day or so!
Also looking into a bug with the login (much more noticeable on the development site) - this code has been changed a few times and essentially needs a tidy up!! I will be "getting the hoover" out on that code tomorrow morning.
Well before that happens - we have usual business of greetings cards and coding to be getting on with!
Today I took a short break from Mailmerge and looked at a few other bits of coding that needed doing.
Firstly, fixing the practically non-existent "payment history" page, I added funtions to this that show prepay balance - as well as a breakdown of prepay spending! (It also asks you to join Prepay if you have never used it - a great idea for all customers - gaining 25% extra credit on anything above £10 added). Updates currently limited to our development site - but check for them going live in the next day or so!
Also looking into a bug with the login (much more noticeable on the development site) - this code has been changed a few times and essentially needs a tidy up!! I will be "getting the hoover" out on that code tomorrow morning.
Development Blog - New Look Update 2
So today I've been recoding part of the checkout basket on the rebranded version of the site to factor in the value of the purchased gift card. I was initially planning to call the gift card details (amount and gift card reference code) from the session variable where it gets stored at the beginning of the process, however, as soon as I started working on the code, I realised that that method would only work on single line purchases (i.e. customer adds one card to basket, and then completes the checkout proceedure) as the variable would only store the most recently selected gift card.
Instead I opted for modifying the order table to include the amount and reference as additional fields attached to a specific card in the basket.
Instead I opted for modifying the order table to include the amount and reference as additional fields attached to a specific card in the basket.
Monday, 5 September 2011
Alex @ HelloTurtle
So after an exciting weekend (well at least England won and the weather wasnt terrible...).
It is back to Personalised Greetings Cards - Still slaving away on this Mail Merge function.
Today I reordered some pages - It used to follow the same order as single cards and didnt really make much sense... Now it should be much more self explanatory (I will of course be writing a little guide on how to use the mail merge - so there will be no need for guessing or confusion when this function goes live).
I also fixed the newly ordered pages as the reorder caused a few bugs (it also made me discover a couple that were pre-existing).
Unfortunately I havent got a great deal more to tell you about the days work - I only got in at lunch time after being a pin-cushion for some NHS staff this morning. (It was an acupuncture appointment - nothing to worry about really!)
It is back to Personalised Greetings Cards - Still slaving away on this Mail Merge function.
Today I reordered some pages - It used to follow the same order as single cards and didnt really make much sense... Now it should be much more self explanatory (I will of course be writing a little guide on how to use the mail merge - so there will be no need for guessing or confusion when this function goes live).
I also fixed the newly ordered pages as the reorder caused a few bugs (it also made me discover a couple that were pre-existing).
Unfortunately I havent got a great deal more to tell you about the days work - I only got in at lunch time after being a pin-cushion for some NHS staff this morning. (It was an acupuncture appointment - nothing to worry about really!)
Development Blog - New Look Update
So today I have been continuing work on the branded site for New Look, and have now finished re-skinning the main pages, and have updated the CSS from our main site to factor in a different colour palette (black and white instead of varying shades of green).
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