Friday 29 June 2012

Alex & Sam @ Helloturtle

This week we have been busy trying to finish the helloturtle app, we are nearly there and soon will be able to release a new beta version ready for internal user testing, then with the feedback we get, we'll be able to iron out any bugs that are found (hopefully not to many!) and then get the app sent off to apple so that it can be officaly launched on the Apple App Store! Keep checking back for more information on all things Helloturtle!

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Alex & Sam @ helloturtle

We have been busy working on the app all week, it now reads all the card data from the web before showing you the editor and all the card editing is done on the phone. Once you have designed your card we send the data back to our servers to generate official previews in the normal way. Sam has been working on the photo manipulation side of the app which we can hopefully add in to my current version for a fully working card builder!
It should be ready before too long so keep checking back and be the first of your friends to download it!