Wednesday afternoon - more than half way through the working week!
So - As promised - I sat down and had a good look at the login system.
The system was a bit of a mess - a long time ago it was in drop down menus at the top of the page. - The code was mostly recycled in moving to the new fancybox system and this had caused the troubles!
For starters, functions were defined multiple times in different files - this is no good! so all functions are now defined only once and from a sensible location.
Secondly, the more noticable bug came from the card builder - The login system used to try to navigate to a page that didnt really exist... this has been rectified - the code now checks what sort of page it is trying to load - and then either directs to a new page - or progresses the central pane as expected.
A third bug that was picked up - if you logged out - you were unable to log back in from the homepage... this was a very simple fix - replacing 1 existing line of code - with 2 lines of new code.
So the login function is now much improved (although hopefully no one had a problem previously!).
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