So today I've been recoding part of the checkout basket on the rebranded version of the site to factor in the value of the purchased gift card. I was initially planning to call the gift card details (amount and gift card reference code) from the session variable where it gets stored at the beginning of the process, however, as soon as I started working on the code, I realised that that method would only work on single line purchases (i.e. customer adds one card to basket, and then completes the checkout proceedure) as the variable would only store the most recently selected gift card.
Instead I opted for modifying the order table to include the amount and reference as additional fields attached to a specific card in the basket.
I also came across a few styled items that I had missed during yesterdays re-styling and re-skinning, primarily the category header above the card selector, and the page numbers above the card selector. While the title was easy to fix, the background colour of the page selector was less easy to fix, as even though I had updated the style for the correct class (at least as far as I could tell from the code), and there didn't appear to be any javascript altering the class itself, the background colour would not change. I found out what was causing it in the end, turns out there were two instances of the class, and I had only altered one of them.
Anyway, halfway through the day it was decided that in order to make creating new branded sites easier, I owuld need to create a standard set of template pages, which when passed the appropriate information would show the correct site branding.
I then spent much of the rest of the afternoon reworking the code to function as a standardised template, and creating a file containing all the necessary variables (barring the stylesheet and images themselves) for the new look site demo. This includable file will also act as the template for the include files for the rest of the branded sites I will be working on.
So far I've created a standard include file for New Look, the Willow Foundation, and have half completed one for B&Q, which will be finished tomorrow morning once I have completed work on the B&Q images.
I also spent some time locating and preparing the images needed for a B&Q version of the branded site, including the image for the back card page.
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